Section for Programmers¶
To receive important LiveOps events, such as new Offer activate/deactivate, A/B test started, Segment changed, etc... follow the next steps:
Create a new class inherited from interface
. You can use our exampleSmartObjectsEventsExample
.using Balancy.Data; using Balancy.Data.SmartObjects; using Balancy.Models.SmartObjects; using Balancy.SmartObjects; using UnityEngine; namespace Balancy { //TODO make your own version of this file, because the original file will be overwritten after Balancy update public class SmartObjectsEventsExample : ISmartObjectsEvents { public void OnSystemProfileConflictAppeared() { Debug.Log("=> OnSystemProfileConflictAppeared"); // System Profile is created and handled automatically. It contains Scripts progress, active Events and Offers, information about A/B testing, Payments, Segmentations, etc... // Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.SolveConflict(ConflictsManager.VersionType.Local); Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.SolveConflict(ConflictsManager.VersionType.Cloud); } public void OnNewOfferActivated(OfferInfo offerInfo) { Debug.Log("=> OnNewOfferActivated: " + offerInfo?.GameOffer?.Name + " ; Price = " + offerInfo?.PriceUSD + " ; Discount = " + offerInfo?.Discount); } public void OnNewOfferGroupActivated(OfferGroupInfo offerInfo) { Debug.Log("=> OnNewOfferGroupActivated: " + offerInfo?.GameOfferGroup?.Name); } public void OnOfferDeactivated(OfferInfo offerInfo, bool wasPurchased) { Debug.Log("=> OnOfferDeactivated: " + offerInfo?.GameOffer?.Name + " ; wasPurchased = " + wasPurchased); } public void OnOfferGroupDeactivated(OfferGroupInfo offerInfo, bool wasPurchased) { Debug.Log("=> OnOfferGroupDeactivated: " + offerInfo?.GameOfferGroup?.Name + " ; wasPurchased = " + wasPurchased); } public void OnNewEventActivated(EventInfo eventInfo) { Debug.Log("=> OnNewEventActivated: " + eventInfo?.GameEvent?.Name); } public void OnEventDeactivated(EventInfo eventInfo) { Debug.Log("=> OnEventDeactivated: " + eventInfo?.GameEvent?.Name); } public void OnOfferPurchased(OfferInfo offerInfo) { Debug.Log("=> OnOfferPurchased: " + offerInfo?.GameOffer?.Name); } public void OnOfferGroupPurchased(OfferGroupInfo offerInfo, StoreItem storeItem) { Debug.Log("=> OnOfferGroupPurchased: " + offerInfo?.GameOfferGroup?.Name + " : storeItem = " + storeItem?.Name); } public void OnOfferFailedToPurchase(OfferInfo offerInfo, string error) { Debug.Log("=> OnOfferFailedToPurchase: " + offerInfo?.GameOffer?.Name + " ; Error = " + error); } public void OnStoreItemFailedToPurchase(StoreItem storeItem, string error) { Debug.Log("=> OnStoreItemFailedToPurchase: " + storeItem?.Name + " ; Error = " + error); } public void OnSegmentUpdated(SegmentInfo segmentInfo) { Debug.Log("=> OnSegmentUpdated: " + segmentInfo?.Segment?.Name + " ; IsIn = " + segmentInfo?.IsIn); } public void OnUserProfilesLoaded() { Debug.Log("=> OnUserProfilesLoaded: You can now set default initial properties, before all other managers startup"); } public void OnSmartObjectsInitialized() { Debug.Log("=> OnSmartObjectsInitialized: You can now make purchase, request all GameEvents, GameOffers, A/B Tests, etc..."); } public void OnAbTestStarted(LiveOps.ABTests.TestData abTestInfo) { Debug.Log("=> OnAbTestStarted: " + abTestInfo?.AbTest?.Name + " ; Variant = " + abTestInfo?.Variant?.Name); } public void OnAbTestEnded(LiveOps.ABTests.TestData abTestInfo) { Debug.Log("=> OnAbTestEnded: " + abTestInfo?.AbTest?.Name); } } }
Register SmartObjects listener
ExternalEvents.RegisterSmartObjectsListener(new SmartObjectsEventsExample());
Make the same steps for
if you are using our Shopusing Balancy.Interfaces; using Balancy.Models.LiveOps.Store; using Balancy.Models.SmartObjects; using UnityEngine; namespace Balancy { //TOTO make your own version of this file, because the original file will be overwritten after Balancy update public class LiveOpsStoreEventsExample : IStoreEvents { public void OnStoreResourcesMultiplierChanged(float multiplier) { Debug.Log("=> OnStoreResourcesMultiplierChanged: " + multiplier); } public void OnStoreUpdated(GameStoreBase storeConfig) { Debug.Log("=> OnStoreUpdated: " + storeConfig.UnnyId); } public void OnStorePageUpdated(GameStoreBase storeConfig, Page page) { Debug.Log("=> OnStorePageUpdated: " + storeConfig.UnnyId + " page = " + page.Name.Value); } } }
ExternalEvents.RegisterLiveOpsListener(new LiveOpsStoreEventsExample());
Whenever the LiveOps package invokes an important event, the associated method of
is called. - Read the comments in the SmartObjectsEventsExample.cs file to understand the meaning of each method.
void OnSmartObjectsInitialized();
is the starting point. Don't try to call any method of the LiveOps package before it's called.