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Section for Programmers

To receive important LiveOps events, such as new Offer activate/deactivate, A/B test started, Segment changed, etc... follow the next steps:

  1. Create a new class inherited from interface ISmartObjectsEvents. You can use our example SmartObjectsEventsExample.

    using Balancy.Data;
    using Balancy.Data.SmartObjects;
    using Balancy.Models.SmartObjects;
    using Balancy.SmartObjects;
    using UnityEngine;
    namespace Balancy
        //TODO make your own version of this file, because the original file will be overwritten after Balancy update
        public class SmartObjectsEventsExample : ISmartObjectsEvents
            public void OnSystemProfileConflictAppeared()
                Debug.Log("=> OnSystemProfileConflictAppeared");
                // System Profile is created and handled automatically. It contains Scripts progress, active Events and Offers, information about A/B testing, Payments, Segmentations, etc...
                // Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.SolveConflict(ConflictsManager.VersionType.Local);
            public void OnNewOfferActivated(OfferInfo offerInfo)
                Debug.Log("=> OnNewOfferActivated: " + offerInfo?.GameOffer?.Name + " ; Price = " + offerInfo?.PriceUSD + " ; Discount = " + offerInfo?.Discount);
            public void OnNewOfferGroupActivated(OfferGroupInfo offerInfo)
                Debug.Log("=> OnNewOfferGroupActivated: " + offerInfo?.GameOfferGroup?.Name);
            public void OnOfferDeactivated(OfferInfo offerInfo, bool wasPurchased)
                Debug.Log("=> OnOfferDeactivated: " + offerInfo?.GameOffer?.Name + " ; wasPurchased = " + wasPurchased);
            public void OnOfferGroupDeactivated(OfferGroupInfo offerInfo, bool wasPurchased)
                Debug.Log("=> OnOfferGroupDeactivated: " + offerInfo?.GameOfferGroup?.Name + " ; wasPurchased = " + wasPurchased);
            public void OnNewEventActivated(EventInfo eventInfo)
                Debug.Log("=> OnNewEventActivated: " + eventInfo?.GameEvent?.Name);
            public void OnEventDeactivated(EventInfo eventInfo)
                Debug.Log("=> OnEventDeactivated: " + eventInfo?.GameEvent?.Name);
            public void OnOfferPurchased(OfferInfo offerInfo)
                Debug.Log("=> OnOfferPurchased: " + offerInfo?.GameOffer?.Name);
            public void OnOfferGroupPurchased(OfferGroupInfo offerInfo, StoreItem storeItem)
                Debug.Log("=> OnOfferGroupPurchased: " + offerInfo?.GameOfferGroup?.Name + " : storeItem = " + storeItem?.Name);
            public void OnOfferFailedToPurchase(OfferInfo offerInfo, string error)
                Debug.Log("=> OnOfferFailedToPurchase: " + offerInfo?.GameOffer?.Name + " ; Error = " + error);
            public void OnStoreItemFailedToPurchase(StoreItem storeItem, string error)
                Debug.Log("=> OnStoreItemFailedToPurchase: " + storeItem?.Name + " ; Error = " + error);
            public void OnSegmentUpdated(SegmentInfo segmentInfo)
                Debug.Log("=> OnSegmentUpdated: " + segmentInfo?.Segment?.Name + " ; IsIn = " + segmentInfo?.IsIn);
            public void OnUserProfilesLoaded()
                Debug.Log("=> OnUserProfilesLoaded: You can now set default initial properties, before all other managers startup");
            public void OnSmartObjectsInitialized()
                Debug.Log("=> OnSmartObjectsInitialized:  You can now make purchase, request all GameEvents, GameOffers, A/B Tests, etc...");
            public void OnAbTestStarted(LiveOps.ABTests.TestData abTestInfo)
                Debug.Log("=> OnAbTestStarted: " + abTestInfo?.AbTest?.Name + " ; Variant = " + abTestInfo?.Variant?.Name);
            public void OnAbTestEnded(LiveOps.ABTests.TestData abTestInfo)
                Debug.Log("=> OnAbTestEnded: " + abTestInfo?.AbTest?.Name);
  2. Register SmartObjects listener

    ExternalEvents.RegisterSmartObjectsListener(new SmartObjectsEventsExample());
  3. Make the same steps for LiveOpsStoreEventsExample if you are using our Shop

    using Balancy.Interfaces;
    using Balancy.Models.LiveOps.Store;
    using Balancy.Models.SmartObjects;
    using UnityEngine;
    namespace Balancy
        //TOTO make your own version of this file, because the original file will be overwritten after Balancy update
        public class LiveOpsStoreEventsExample : IStoreEvents
            public void OnStoreResourcesMultiplierChanged(float multiplier)
                Debug.Log("=> OnStoreResourcesMultiplierChanged: " + multiplier);
            public void OnStoreUpdated(GameStoreBase storeConfig)
                Debug.Log("=> OnStoreUpdated: " + storeConfig.UnnyId);
            public void OnStorePageUpdated(GameStoreBase storeConfig, Page page)
                Debug.Log("=> OnStorePageUpdated: " + storeConfig.UnnyId + " page = " + page.Name.Value);
    ExternalEvents.RegisterLiveOpsListener(new LiveOpsStoreEventsExample());
  4. Whenever the LiveOps package invokes an important event, the associated method of ISmartObjectsEvents is called.

  5. Read the comments in the SmartObjectsEventsExample.cs file to understand the meaning of each method.
  6. void OnSmartObjectsInitialized(); is the starting point. Don't try to call any method of the LiveOps package before it's called.