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Release Notes

July 25, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.75]


  • Fixed saving profile issue which could lead to crash.

July 15, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.74]


  • Added method to cancel UnnyObject loading requests.

July 10, 2024 [Web]


  • Now it is possible to override and A/B test Price components for Ads, Free, and IAPs.

July 9, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.73]


  • Fixed issue with not-ASCII strings in paths (e.g. in Turkish OS).

July 8, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.72]


  • Fixed Script logic: On Script Exit now is not invoked when parent Game Event is removed.

July 5, 2024 [Web]


  • Added showing position numbers of list items for better managing of long lists, with more than 5 elements.

June 27, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.71]


  • Added time and correct product id for nutaku complete request.

June 26, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.70]


  • Added method to get localisation value by code.

June 23, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.69]


  • Invoke page and store update only once per frame.

June 19, 2024 [Web]


  • Updated UI for Game Store page:
    • Default store selection 'star' is now clickable
    • Editing UX is unified for stores and store pages
    • Implemented notification if conditions are set for store slots and store pages
    • Store Slot layout changed to allow longer reward lists and complex prices

June 16, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.68]


  • Fixed an issue for visual scripting nodes related to comparing string values.
  • Comfortable Price

June 13, 2024 [Web]


  • Now it is possible to override and A/B Test internal parameters of Injected Components, but not such a component as a whole. You still cannot override parameters that are Lists of Injected Components, though.

June 10, 2024 [Web]


  • Param names in column headers in Table View are now clickable, leading to param definition inside document template.

June 6, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.67, Web]



  • AppPlatform for Editor for platform-related debugging.
  • Fixed visual scripting List nodes logic to work with list params from User Profiles.

June 4, 2024 [Web]


  • Placed Daily Bonus as a proper LiveOps section in navigation panel for better feature discovery.
  • Fixed dashboard button in user profile to work as contextual Back button.

May 20, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.66, Web]


  • Added redirections functionality.
  • Now validates overrides if it has missing override groups.


  • Added new Visual Scripting nodes to work with inventory.
  • Redirections logic.
  • Added System Info properties to the system profile. Device type, System memory size, Operating System Family.

May 13, 2024 [Web]


  • Fixed being stuck in Localisation String Edit page after saving.
  • Template flags now properly update on save.
  • Added Repeat node in Visual Scripting.
  • Improved user profile conditions.
  • Fixed: child params in custom display format now not editable.
  • Fixed not loading custom profiles data properly in User Profiles.
  • Fixed user properties list not conditions.
  • Can now switch between Document and Singleton when Base Template is set.
  • Fixed crashing when opening a script with no view settings stored.
  • Fixed issue with number variable empty string in Visual Scripting.

May 3, 2024 [Web]


  • Fixed some issues with A/B Test overrides displaying.

April 25, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.65]


  • Fixed an issue with a IsNewUser flag.

April 25, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.64]


  • Fixed an issue with cloud saves check for some cases.

April 24, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.63]


  • Added additional method IsTimeSynchronized for time protection.

April 23, 2024 [Web]


  • Consistent design for Offers, StoreItems and Items views.
  • Now shows template breadcrumb Offers, StoreItems and Items views.
  • Added overrides for list int, float, and string.

April 22, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.62]


  • Fixed potential crash in cloud save check method.

April 19, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.61]


  • Fixed sessions counter for LocalUsers.
  • Added time cheat protection.

April 15, 2024 [Web]


  • Can now show inner param of documents in custom display format.
  • Now applies custom display format in Document selector modal.

April 11, 2024 [Web]


  • Fixed missing Undo/Redo hotkeys in Visual Scripting.
  • Added entity references on the search page.
  • Now auto-scrolls to the selected Document item and added smooth scrolling.
  • Now shows price when selecting Store Items.

April 5, 2024 [Web]


  • Added password recovery functionality.
  • Added possibility to authenticate via Google Auth and link Google Account on the profile page.
  • Fixed unnecessary reloading on deploy page.
  • Port name now is case-sensitive.
  • The correct deploy number/version is now shown in history.

March 27, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.60, Web]


  • Added Profile Field Long condition support.
  • Added Country condition.
  • Improved deploy page: warning about deploy best practices and migration, now shows row for migration without deploy.


  • Added Profile Field Long condition support.
  • Added Country condition.

March 21, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.59, Web]


  • Prevent changing localized string to string.
  • Fixed issues with adding new shop params.


  • Fixed dictionary check for cases when template was renamed.

March 18, 2024 [Web]


  • Added tooltips for Offers Store Item buttons.
  • Fixed issue with localization languages list.
  • Fixed Object ports not able to connect to Long ports.

March 16, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.58]


  • All payments calls (OfferWasPurchased, Purchase Offer, etc.) now always return Success = true in Editor.

March 15, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.57, Web]


  • Added Microsoft Store platform.


  • Added Microsoft Store platform.

March 14, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.56, Web]


  • Reworked and fixed broken image/assets displaying.


  • Added Nutaku SP platform support.

March 13, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.55]


  • Init products along with profile.
  • Find Document Node: now works with reference.
  • Added additional field PlatformProductId to Offer class to get platform product id.

March 12, 2024 [Web]


  • Fixed Product missing price.
  • Now shows warning repeatable events.
  • Now prevents counting Scripts children in Package dependencies counter.
  • Fixed NumberInput component crashing.
  • Now shows User Admin Panel to all users.

March 07, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.54]


  • Changed logic for MaxPayment.
  • TimeSincePurchase now stores not only online, but also offline time passed since the last purchase.
  • Fixed in importing assets.
  • Added IsInSegment method.

March 04, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.53]


  • Added utility method ToLong.

March 03, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.52, Web]


  • Fixed duration infinite button.
  • Fixed selecting game not redirecting to Dashboard properly.
  • Added warning about products versioning.
  • Now closes modals on location change.
  • Now locks StoreItem param in Offers and Offer Groups.


  • Added OnUserProfilesLoaded event. You can now set default initial properties, before all other managers startup.

February 29, 2024 [Web, Plugin 4.3.51]


  • Set Profile Node is now dynamic. You can set value right inside node itself.

    Set Profile Node is now dynamic

  • Now shows alert when clipboard permission is disabled when copy/pasting.

  • Fixed DataObjectInput not resetting properly.


  • Set Profile Node is now dynamic.
  • ClearSpriteFromCache method was replaced by 2 separate methods: ClearFromMemory (deletes from memory cache and destroys sprite) and ClearFromDisk (deletes sprite from disk).

February 27, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.50]


  • Fixed inventory condition.

February 24, 2024 [Web]


  • Added flag for templates and enums to prevent access outside package.

February 21, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.49, Web]


  • Entities table now sorts ids by number.
  • Fixed several tags issue.
  • Fixed products page issue: glitching, sorting, etc.
  • Fixed default display format param order.


  • Added method for Nutaku platform to get user id.

February 19, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.48]


  • Fixed sprite cache clearing issue when you aren't able to load same sprite after clearing.
  • Added option to deactivate offer via code.

February 18, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.47, Web]


  • Fixed problems on the products page with items duplication.
  • Now show abtest ids.
  • Reworked entity search page.
  • Added option to migrate without deploy.
  • Added game local into profile, so you can use it as condition.


  • Fixed nutaku purchases: fills products meta with data from dahboard.
  • Now we don't load unneeded Entities.
  • Now can override inner documents params.
  • Preserve sprites sizes downloaded from URL.
  • Fixed local and language in profile.

February 16, 2024 [Web]


  • Now shows AB Test Variant full name.
  • Fixed empty package name when opening package.
  • Now display and sort package templates by name.

February 12, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.46, Web]


  • Added possibility to override components.
  • Fixed missing SmartObject paths when running addAllPossiblePaths.
  • Now properly sorts Profiles in SelectParamPath.
  • Fixed dark mode issue in SelectParamPath.


  • Fixed override logic for store slots.
  • Fixed an issue with temporary Balancy component on scene.

February 10, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.45]


  • Fixed purchase restoration and update documentation about the process.

February 08, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.44]


  • Fixed crashes on purchase method call when StoreItem is null.
  • Fixed the issue with NodeOnFieldChanged with different types after restarting the game.

February 07, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.43]


  • Fixed the issue with Inventory items update.

February 06, 2024 [Web]


  • Now closes popup as soon as Create button is clicked.
  • Now limits On Item Purchased node to Store Items.
  • Fixed missing names for fake items due to inheritance in packages.
  • Fixed some node descriptions with users.
  • Fixed/improved pagination lots of pages.

February 05, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.42]


  • Fixed crash when empty links to the item in the price.
  • Fixed node crash when some user properties were no generated.

January 31, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.41, Web]


  • New Inventory system.
  • Shop refactor.
  • Soft Purchases methods were changed:
    • When making any purchases, Balancy now automatically adds all the items from the reward to the Inventory.
    • You have to send callbacks for methods now, it can be Null.
    • We've added suffix for all the soft purchases methods:
      • LiveOps.Store.ItemWasPurchased ► LiveOps.Store.ItemWasPurchasedSoft
      • LiveOps.GameOffers.OfferWasPurchased ► LiveOps.GameOffers.OfferWasPurchasedSoft
    • The price for the Soft purchases was removed as a parameter, Balancy uses the price of the StoreItem.


  • Reworked SmartObjects.
  • Fixed overriding List of components.
  • Speedup Balancy loading.
  • Added Change Template option in Liveops items.

January 19, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.40, Web]


  • Added InstallVersion field into GeneralInfo.
  • Fixed issue with sprites re-loading.
  • Now you can get the list of offers using Balancy.DataManager.SmartObjects.AllGameOffers.
  • Added Overrides for IsNewUser and InstallVersion.


  • You can now unlink and delete packages.
  • Fixed entities not filtering properly when tags change.
  • Fixed missing Save/Reset buttons when deleting products.

January 12, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.39, Web]


  • Changed slot logic multiplier to float.
  • Fixed editor issue, at least for case when you switch scenes.


  • Removed future data points in Calendar Analytics plots.
  • Changed slot logic multiplier to float.
  • Fixed dropdown minimum width.

January 9, 2024 [Plugin 4.3.38, Web]


  • Changed order of Finish and OnReadyCallback.
  • Revealed Profile Field Conditions.
  • Fixed the problem of FastLoad with AutoLogin=false.
  • Pixels per unit for sprites.


  • Pixels per unit for sprites.

    Pixels per unit setting for sprite

  • Added tags system. Now you can attach tags to documents and filter documents by tag.


  • Fixed default input value for Inc/Dec nodes.

  • Can now search Localized Strings in entities table.
  • Now shows Product localized name if possible.

December 30, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.37]


  • Fixed session counter.

December 29, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.36]


  • Fixed AB Tests issue with preloaded profile.

December 28, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.35, Web]


  • PreInit Ab Tests.
  • Changed timeout logic for API requests.


  • Added Finish Type and Duration params to Game Events.
  • Fixed Time Settings Save button still showing with no changes.
  • Now shows Run Method path separate from namespace.
  • Fixed abtest overrides issues.
  • Fixed missing string input for Log Node.

December 21, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.34]


  • Stop only Condition events when ConditionFailed.

December 18, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.33, Web]


  • PreInitLaunch param was added to A/B Tests.
  • Fixed overrides, when params are from the base type.
  • Fixed segmentation update.


  • Activate Offer Group in ActivateOffer Node.
  • Now can you Attachments for OfferGroup.
  • Changed deploy progress bar to red if has error.
  • Can now override Game Event Script param.
  • Added deploy variants error on a/b-test condition validation.
  • Package install/update now shown in deploy history as single record.
  • Can now click on Override Data document to open modal.

December 13, 2023 [Web]


  • Added ability to change order of columns on the localization string page. Calendar dashboard
  • Now you can use entity id in display name.

December 12, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.32]


  • PreInitFromResourcesOrCache (bool) param was changed to PreInit (enum). Read here more.
  • PreInitLaunch param was added to A/B Tests.

December 10, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.31]


  • Added api mirroring and retry logic.
  • Added height adjustment in nutaku webgl template.

December 8, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.30]


  • Fixed OR condition node.

December 6, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.29]


  • Added webgl Nutaku support.

December 4, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.28, Web]


  • Fixed problem with Conditions when userId was changed without reloading
  • Adds new target user groups for a/b-tests.


  • Added critical changes message in Deploy version view
  • Added param flags to prevent generation on deploy and code generation.
  • Added Base Product ID column for overridden products.
  • Added param flags to prevent generation.
  • Now shows header selector for child Offers and Offer Groups in tables.
  • Updated shop template project.

November 30, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.27]


  • Fixed scripts storage: added logic to clean garbage records.

November 28, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.26]


  • Fixed some potential leak in http requests.
  • Don't retry download requests on specific errors (e.g. 403, 404, etc).
  • Fixed url to check plugin version.

November 26, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.25, Web]


  • Added new shop events logic.
  • Fixed issue when the same script was attached multiple times.
  • Added CDN mirroring.
  • Added additional methods for store slots.
  • Added overload for On Get DeviceId.
  • Added changes tracking in properties while Scripts are being loaded.
  • Added method to clear (and destroy) sprite from cache.


  • Added migration history records and data objects changes on deploy page.
  • Added possibility to change document template.
  • Was redesigned platforms page.

November 10, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.24]


  • Fixed time condition.

November 9, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.23, Web]


  • Added new store slot logic.
  • ForceLoadOfflineProfileData when AutoLogin=false and no internet.
  • Corrected country update logic.


  • Fixed set singleton not syncing to other clients.
  • Added global time setting.

November 1, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.22]


  • Changed environment link to

October 31, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.21]


  • Returned validate method to public.

October 31, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.20, Web]


  • Fixed localization issue on language update.
  • Fixed potential exception when there is no product Meta info.
  • Added NineSlice sprite support.
  • Added localized name and description for products.
  • Fixed the crash, when there is no sprite in resources.
  • MaxPayment is not the highest purchase.
  • Added Nutaku SDK support for Android.


  • Added NineSlice sprite support.

October 26, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.19]


  • Scrips are now public, you can add Scripts as parameters to your Documents and execute whenever you need them.
  • Fixed problem with offline launch.
  • Fixed localization init and the last lost dictionary.

October 24, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.18, Web]


  • Fixed problem with offline launch.
  • GameEvents - GetSecondsBeforeActivation, now you can predict when an event starts.
  • GameEvents are now being reset if it should've been ended between players' sessions.
  • Removed UpdateType.BuiltInFeaturesOnly, now you can only turn the real-time updates off or allow full updates.
  • Fixed a minor problem with Scripts clean up, when they are being destroyed.

Web - Now can create push notifications from the Calendar.

October 19, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.17, Web]


  • New Feature: Offer attachments. Add any documents to the offer, check if the purchase was made with specific attachments, etc...


  • Added concurrent test toggle in A/B-test modal.
  • Added possibility to add attachments to Activate Offer node.

October 18, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.16]


  • Cleanup when changing only LiveOps templates.

October 18, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.15]


October 17, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.14, Web]


  • Fix for timing issue.


  • Fixes issue on localized string key change.
  • Added deploy version number on deploy page.

October 16, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.3.13]


  • Realtime updates.
  • List nodes.
  • Added Smart objects support in VS.


  • List nodes.
  • Added Smart objects support in VS.
  • Added option to create repeatable push notification.
  • Pushes now are shown in the Calendar.

October 03, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.12]


  • Fix working with removed SmartObjects after quick auth.
  • New method for daily bonus.

October 02, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.11]


  • Added new conditions
  • Country in auth response.
  • Shortened path to some profile fields.
  • Added dsConfigManager.

September 27, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.3.10]

September 17, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.3.6]


  • Added method to run script by name.
  • Fixed issue in plugin when node started from output.
  • Added battle pass example.
  • Added node for field changes.
  • Added method to send firebase token to send pushes using Balancy.
  • Add possibility to select Addressables groups, which you want to synchronize with Balancy.


  • Added Battle pass template.
  • Now you can replace sprite image.
  • Now you can undo/redo changes using ctrl+z and ctrl+y.
  • Deploy page was reworked.
  • Added functionality to send server pushes to devices (experimental).

August 23, 2023 [Web, Plugin]

  • Fixed issue in plugin when trying to upload addressables with 1px width or height.
  • Added possibility to move only data structures between environments.

August 17, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.3.4]

  • Added support of list of assets template param type.
  • Added support of template param long data type.

August 17, 2023 [Web]

  • Added predictions into retention table.

    Calendar dashboard

August 10, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.3]

  • Fixed issue in Editor when working without domain reloading.
  • Fixed localized strings list serialization.

July 18, 2023 [Plugin 4.3.0]

  • Reworked authentication logic and conflict resolvement.

July 11, 2023 [Web]

  • Added summarized analytics info into calendar, including retention.

    Calendar dashboard

July 10, 2023 [Web]

  • Update aimed at improving collaboration and speeding up interaction with the system in general. Now, when switching between pages with documents, there will be no lengthy loading times, and changes made by other users will be displayed without the need to refresh the page.

July 5, 2023 [Plugin 4.2.30]

  • Added public method ro force save.
  • Added isnullorempty node.
  • Added usage of liveops callback about offer group purchase.

June 30, 2023 [Plugin 4.2.27]

  • Added methods to reset Scripts, Offers and Events.

June 27, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.2.26]

  • Added receipt to purchase validation response.

June 26, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.2.25]

  • Added list node to Visual Scripting.
  • Added dynamic rewards, which calculated based on VS logic.
  • Now you can run concurrent A/B-tests.

June 19, 2023 [Web]

  • New Event Calendar - a clear dashboard for navigating through in-game events, special offers, and A/B tests.

    Calendar dashboard

May 16, 2023 [Plugin 4.2.20]

  • Added methods to bypass purchase validation.

May 08, 2023 [Web]

  • Added filters to easily navigate through the tables.
  • You can set your games as favourite on the dashboard.
  • Added new package with Clash of Clans shop template to easily implement it into your game in a few clicks.
  • You can open modal window to change localization string or sprite by pressing Alt + Left mouse.

April 25, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.2.17]

  • Added support for WebGL builds.
  • Implemented a new system for managing packages.
  • Added support for Amazon Store.
  • Added a new Visual Scripting node to run your static methods in C# plugin.
  • Added a dark theme.
  • Added hotkeys and a toolbar for Visual Scripting.
  • Added the ability to clone only data structures without documents when cloning the game.
  • Reworked the functionality for setting up document display format. In the current version, you must check a flag for each parameter you want to use in the display name. You can set it up on the template settings page with the new system. However, the downside is that you will need to set up the display format for your templates again.

February 06, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.2.4]

  • New parameter type Color, working with nice Color Picker.
  • New feature Offer Groups.
  • Dramatically improved the workflow for big components and data.

January 26, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.2.3]

  • New Price type Ads for StoreItem.
  • Now you can set up Sprites to be injected into the game before the build or preload upfront.
  • New features for Display Format. New line and visual icons.

January 12, 2023 [Web, Plugin 4.2.0]

  • New UI/UX for all the tables
  • New UI/UX for all the Data Structure section
  • New Feature: Daily Bonus
  • Critical plugin updates. We got rid of all Unity Dependencies.

December 03, 2022 [Web, Plugin 4.1.0]

  • Added 3 new types of Store Slot: First Purchase Bonus, Periodic Slot, and Slot with Cooldown.
  • All LiveOps cards can be edited on the main screen. Most cards were removed.
  • Unified overrides creation.
  • Improves in Overrides and AB Tests modal windows.
  • Client-side cloning.
  • Small fixes: bread-crumbs, update status changes, shadows, and nice-looking conditions, calendar.

October 22, 2022 [Web, Plugin 4.0.2]

  • Improvements in Analytics.
  • Added First Purchase bonus feature.
  • Many UI/UX improvements.

October 16, 2022 [Web, Plugin 4.0.0]

  • SmartOffers package was renamed to LiveOps.
  • Customizable Store is now a part of LiveOps package.
  • All public methods were moved to the namespace Balancy.LiveOps.

October 11, 2022 [Web, Plugin 3.8.8]

  • New UI/UX.
  • Segmentation Node was changed.
  • Added Session Length tracking.
  • Runtume sprites creation optimization.
  • Safe Invoking GameOffers and GameEvents, in case clients code crashes.
  • Analytics Events improvements.

Sep 11, 2022 [Web, Plugin 3.8.0]

  • Fixes in ABTests Condition.
  • You can now track your Ad Revenue and use it in Visual Scripting and Conditions.
  • AutoLogin feature was added. It's ON by default, but you can turn it OFF if you want to delay the login.
  • Now we calculate 3 types of Revenue:
    • Real Revenue in local currency.
    • Real Revenue is USD (Current exchange rate).
    • Balancy Revenue (the price in the dashboard).
  • All Events are guaranteed to be fired before the InitCallback.
  • Improved Analytics events and parameters.
  • Force Save profile in case of SignOut method is called.
  • Now the Event Script is automatically stopped if the event has Ended.

Aug 8, 2022 [Web, Plugin 3.7.0]

  • A/B Tests improvement:
    • Each new test now has a Control group that can't be removed.
    • Now you can specify the Target Users amount, who will participate in the test (5%-100%).
    • You can also specify the Type of Users to target: New, Old, or All.
    • Balancy makes sure that each user is not participating in two A/B tests simultaneously.
    • Each group in one test has equal weight now - the percentage is calculated automatically.

July 17, 2022 [Web, Plugin 3.6.0]

  • Improved Conditions and added many new options
  • Segments are now public and fully customizable
  • Fixed problem with migration of Products between Environments

July 10, 2022 [Web, Plugin 3.5.0]

  • CDN was moved from DigitalOcean to AWS
  • Product Price View was improved
  • Added hints for all Templates
  • UI Constructor was hidden
  • Fixed problem with Sprite selection upon loading
  • Tons of small improvements

May 12, 2022 [Web, Plugin 3.2.0]

  • SmartOffers are now public
  • New Balancy Template with LiveOps added
  • A/B Testing
  • Segmentation

April 18, 2022 [Plugin 3.0.0]

  • New product added - Smart Offers and Game Events

January 10, 2022 [Plugin 2.4.1]

  • New workflow to work with plugin

January 6, 2022 [Web]

  • Unique setting for parameters.
  • New cell editor for complex Data.

December 28, 2021 [Web, Plugin 2.4.0]

  • Deploy refactor: deploy, history, and data migration pages were united into one single page.
  • Templates, Enums, and Assets sections were moved to Data Structure.
  • Platforms and Products were united as well.
  • Control+Z and Control+Y can now be used to undo and redo your last actions.
  • Many small improvements.

December 27, 2021 [Web, Plugin 2.3.3]

  • Single Document Page

December 21, 2021 [Web, Plugin 2.3.2]

  • History page enhancement

December 10, 2021 [Web, Plugin 2.3.1]

  • Template Diagrams
  • Control button added for each column for sorting and to hide the column
  • Any column of any table can now be changed
  • Documents controls were moved to the left

November 7, 2021 [Web, Plugin 2.3.0]

  • Param description can now be much longer and still fits the screen
  • Fixed Products page crash when using search
  • Removed cell margins when you open content with double click
  • Hotkey Control+Shift+F to open search
  • SmartObjects improvements
  • Bug fixes

August 16, 2021 [Plugin 2.2.0]

  • Option to rollback the deploy to a previous version
  • Plugin now reports to us about any problems in your game balance, so we could help you asap
  • Fixed problem when you remove a Template and then create a new one with the same name

July 6, 2021 [Plugin 2.1.0]

  • Stripping for IL2CPP fixes
  • Added asmdef files

April 1, 2021 [Plugin 1.1.0]

  • Payments added
  • Unity Addressables can be synchronized with Balancy
  • Environments
  • Many UX/UI improvements

November 7, 2020 [Plugin 1.0.1]

  • Enumerable types were added
  • Many UX/UI improvements

October 7, 2020 [Plugin 1.0.0]

  • First release