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User Properties

User Properties allow you to store specific parameters for each player, aiding in audience segmentation, triggering Game Events, and customizing game logic with Scripts.

Setting Up User Properties

  1. For a new Condition, opt for User Property ► Primitive or User Property ► In Range: Screenshot
  2. Pick a property, like Level, for example: Screenshot
  3. Determine the comparator and state the comparative value: Screenshot

Leverage User Properties with Scripts for reading and setting values, adapting game dynamics, and more.


Example: Adjust game difficulty when a player loses three times in a row. Here, Lose Streak and Difficulty are tailored properties for the specific game. Dive deeper here.


Types of User Properties

User Properties come in three kinds:

  1. Automatically tracked built-in properties by Balancy.
  2. Manual setup required built-in properties by Balancy.
  3. Developer-defined and managed custom properties. Learn more about it here.

Built-in properties

Automatically tracked are read-only. For others, a manual setup is essential.

System ► General Info

Access most properties via:

Balancy.LiveOps.Profile.GeneralInfo.<Property Name>
  • Play Time (read-only) - Total gameplay duration in seconds.
  • Session (read-only) - Session count. Begins at 1, increments with game relaunches or 10-minute pauses.
  • Level - Denotes the user's level or progress.
  • TrafficSource - Indicates where users originated, such as search engines, social platforms, or emails.
  • TrafficCampaign - Represents campaigns, like ads or promotions, directing users to your platform.
  • TutorialStep - Current step number in the tutorial.
  • IsNewUser - Boolean indicating a new user's first session. Set automatically by Balancy but can be adjusted.
  • DontDisturb - A user status flag. Explore its utilization here.
  • ProfileId (read-only) - Balancy's unique identifier for users. Defaults to LocalUser without server connectivity.
  • DeviceId (read-only) - Distinct device identifier.
  • CustomId - Use this ID for integration with analytics systems or internal BI tools.
  • App Version (read-only) - User's app version, e.g., 1.2.4.
  • Engine Version (read-only) - App's engine version, e.g., Unity 2021.3.11f1.
  • Platform (read-only) - Most recent platform accessed by the user.
  • System Language (read-only) - User device's system language.
  • Game Localization (read-only) - current game localization. Used, for example, by localized string params. You can change it via Balancy.Localization.Manager.ChangeLocalization.
  • Country (read-only) - User's geographical location.

    Note: Please use the Country condition under the System category instead of getting the custom Country User Property from Primitive condition. Check this section for more information.

  • Time Since Purchase (read-only) - Duration in the game post last purchase. -1 if no purchases.

  • Current Day (read-only) - User's latest online timestamp (Unix time since 1970).
  • First Login Time (read-only) - User's initial app launch timestamp (Unix time since 1970).
  • Last Login Time (read-only) - Last timestamp when the user logged in (Unix time since 1970).

System ► Payments

  • Days For Purchase (read-only) - Mean days between purchases. Defaults are 0 (no purchase) or 50 (one purchase).
  • Total Spend (read-only) - Cumulative in-game expenditure.
  • Last Payment Time (read-only) - Timestamp of the last purchase (Unix time since 1970).
  • Max Payment (read-only) - User's purchasing power. Determined by purchase history. The highest one-time purchase the user made.
  • Payments Count (read-only) - Total transactions made by the user.
  • Resources Multiplier (read-only) - Sales multiplier offering extra resources. Details here.

System ► Ads Info

  • Interstitial Ads Period - Interstitial ad frequency. See example.
  • Revenue Today (read-only) - Today's ad revenue per user. More on ad tracking here.
  • Revenue Total (read-only) - User's total ad revenue. More on ad tracking here.

System ► Ads Info ► Ad Types (Rewarded, Interstitial, Custom)

  • Revenue (read-only) - Accumulated revenue for the ad type.
  • Count (read-only) - Total ad views for the ad type.
  • Revenue Today (read-only) - Today's revenue for the ad type.
  • Count Total (read-only) - Today's total ad views for the ad type.

System ► Live Ops Info

  • Daily Reward Collected (read-only) - Last Daily Reward number, 0 if uncollected. Details here.
  • Daily Reward Collect Time (read-only) - Timestamp of the last Daily Reward (Unix time since 1970), 0 if uncollected. Details here.

System ► Inventories

Useful feature for managing player-owned items and currencies. Check details here.