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Private API


To use Balancy's API you need to send Authorization header with you game private key.

Branch Flags

Add into Authorization header of API request: Authorization: Bearer your_game_private_key.


Using API you can:

  1. Get user profile: GET request<game_guid>/saves/<balancy_user_id>/collections/<collection_name>?env=<environment>.

    For example, using curl:

     curl -v -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer MDM0NGE1NTRhZTMDM0NGE1NTRhZT" \

    In response, you will get info about existing objects in this collection: [{"value":{"count":1},"key":"Items","version":0}].

  2. Update user profile: PATCH request<game_guid>/saves/<balancy_user_id>/collections/<collection_name>/<key>?env=<environment>. And pass value object field with version. For version you can send -1.

    For example, using curl:

     curl -v -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer MDM0NGE1NTRhZTMDM0NGE1NTRhZT" \
     --data "{\"value\": {\"count\": 100}, \"version\": -1}" \

    In response you will receive new version: {"version":1}.