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Accessing Configs Data and Profiles

Game Configs

Accessing Single Document

To access a specific document by its ID, you can use the following code:

var document = Balancy.CMS.GetModelByUnnyId<YourModel>(id);
const document = Balancy.CMS.getModelByUnnyId<YourModel>(id);


var item26 = Balancy.CMS.GetModelByUnnyId<Balancy.Models.SmartObjects.Item>("26");
Debug.Log($"item26.unnyId = {item26.UnnyId}");
Debug.Log($"item26.Name = {item26.Name}");
Debug.Log($"item26.MaxStack = {item26.MaxStack}");
const item26 = Balancy.CMS.getModelByUnnyId<SmartObjectsItem>("26");
console.log(`item26.unnyId = ${item26.unnyId}`);
console.log(`item26.Name = ${}`);
console.log(`item26.MaxStack = ${item26.maxStack}`);

Accessing List of Documents

To get a list of all documents of a specific type, you can use the following code:

var documents = Balancy.CMS.GetModels<YourModel>(includeChildren);
const documents = Balancy.CMS.getModels<YourModel>(includeChildren);

includeChildren - if true, the method returns all documents of the specified type and their children. If false, it returns only the documents of the specified type.


var allItems = Balancy.CMS.GetModels<Balancy.Models.SmartObjects.Item>(true);
Debug.Log("AllItems count = " + allItems.Length);
foreach (var item in allItems)
    Debug.Log("=== New Item ===");
    Debug.Log($"unnyId = {item.UnnyId}");
    Debug.Log($"Name = {item.Name}");
    Debug.Log($"MaxStack = {item.MaxStack}");
const allItems = Balancy.CMS.getModels<SmartObjectsItem>(true);
console.log(`AllItems count = ${allItems.length}`);
allItems.forEach(item => {
    console.log("=== New Item ===");
    console.log(`unnyId = ${item.unnyId}`);
    console.log(`Name = ${}`);
    console.log(`MaxStack = ${item.maxStack}`);


Custom Profile

If you have a custom profile, you can easily access it:

var profile = Balancy.Profiles.Get<Profile>();
const profile = Balancy.Profiles.get<Profile>();

System Profile

The system profile contains various data points that are crucial for understanding the user's interactions and status in the application.

var systemProfile = Balancy.Profiles.System;
const systemProfile = Balancy.Profiles.system;

System Profile Fields

  • Payments: Provides access to payment-related information, including purchase history, total spend, VIP level, and other payment metrics.

    • DaysForPurchase: Number of days since the last purchase.
    • Purchases: List of individual purchases made by the user.
    • TotalSpend: Total amount spent by the user.
    • LastPaymentTime: Timestamp of the last payment.
    • MaxPayment: Maximum payment made by the user.
    • PaymentsCount: Total number of payments made.
    • ResourcesMultiplier: Multiplier applied to resources from payments.
    • LevelVIP: VIP level of the user.
    • ComfortablePayment: A comfortable payment value determined by user behavior.
  • SmartInfo: Stores general LiveOps information

    • GameOffers: List of offers available in the game.
    • GameOfferGroups: Grouped offers available in the game.
    • GameEvents: List of events happening in the game.
  • SegmentsInfo: Contains information about different user segments that the profile belongs to.

    • Segments: List of user segments.
  • GeneralInfo: Holds general, non-categorized information about the user.

    • PlayTime: Total playtime of the user.
    • AppVersion: Version of the app used by the user.
    • EngineVersion: Version of the game engine.
    • Platform: Platform on which the app is running.
    • PlatformId: Identifier for the platform.
    • SystemLanguage: Language of the user's system.
    • Country: User's country.
    • TimeSincePurchase: Time elapsed since the last purchase.
    • Session: Current session number.
    • IsNewUser: Indicates if the user is new.
    • FirstLoginTime: Timestamp of the user's first login.
    • Level: Current level of the user.
    • TutorialStep: Current tutorial step the user is on.
    • TrafficSource: Source of user acquisition.
    • DontDisturb: Indicates if the user has enabled Do Not Disturb.
    • LastLoginTime: Timestamp of the last login.
    • CurrentDay: Current in-game day.
    • TrafficCampaign: Campaign associated with user acquisition.
    • ProfileId: Unique identifier for the user's profile.
    • DeviceId: Unique device identifier.
    • CustomId: Custom identifier set by the application.
    • GameLocalization: Localization settings for the game.
    • TimeSinceInstall: Time elapsed since the app was installed.
    • DeviceModel: Model of the user's device.
    • DeviceName: Name of the user's device.
    • DeviceType: Type of device (e.g., mobile, tablet).
    • OperatingSystem: Operating system of the user's device.
    • OperatingSystemFamily: Family of the operating system.
    • SystemMemorySize: Size of the system memory.
    • InstallVersion: Version of the app at the time of installation.
  • TestsInfo: Stores information regarding A/B tests that the user is currently involved in.

    • Tests: List of A/B tests.
    • AvoidedTests: List of tests that the user has opted out of.
  • AdsInfo: Provides data on ads viewed or interacted with by the user.

    • RevenueTotal: Total revenue generated from ads.
    • AdRewarded: Information about rewarded ads.
    • AdInterstitial: Information about interstitial ads.
    • AdCustom: Information about custom ads.
    • InterstitialAdsPeriod: Time period between interstitial ads.
    • RevenueToday: Revenue generated from ads today.
  • LiveOpsInfo: Contains information related to additional LiveOps activities, such as Daily Bonus.

    • DailyRewardCollected: Indicates if the daily reward has been collected.
    • DailyRewardCollectTime: Timestamp of the last daily reward collection.
  • Inventories: Tracks inventory-related data for the user, such as items and counts.

    • Currencies: Information about in-game currencies.
    • Items: Information about in-game items.

Reset Account (All Profiles)

To reset all profiles, use the following code:


The reset is instant, and you can access fresh profiles immediately after the reset.

Game Events and Offers

Use LiveOps Callbacks to receive notifications about update statuses of Events and Offers at runtime. Use one of the methods below to request the list of active Events or Offers:

var smartInfo = Balancy.Profiles.System.SmartInfo;
var activeGameEvents = smartInfo.GameEvents;
var activeOffers = smartInfo.GameOffers;
var activeOfferGroups = smartInfo.GameOfferGroups;
const smartInfo = Balancy.Profiles.system.smartInfo;
const activeGameEvents = smartInfo.gameEvents;
const activeOffers = smartInfo.gameOffers;
const activeOfferGroups = smartInfo.gameOfferGroups;

There are several methods you can use to know how much time is left for an event or offer to end or to start.

offerInfo.GetSecondsLeftBeforeDeactivation();//offerInfo is an element of Balancy.Profiles.System.SmartsInfo.GameOffers
eventInfo.GetSecondsLeftBeforeDeactivation();//eventInfo is an element of Balancy.Profiles.System.SmartsInfo.GameEvents
offerInfo.getSecondsLeftBeforeDeactivation();//offerInfo is an element of Balancy.Profiles.system.smartsInfo.gameOffers
eventInfo.getSecondsLeftBeforeDeactivation();//eventInfo is an element of Balancy.Profiles.system.smartsInfo.gameEvents

Some of the conditions might have complex logic and include not only the time, but also some user properties or segmentations. You can pass ignoreTriggers=true to ignore such conditions.

A/B Tests

Use LiveOps Callbacks to receive notifications about new A/B Tests at runtime. Use the method below to request the list of active A/B Tests:

var myAbTests = Balancy.Profiles.System.TestsInfo.Tests;
foreach (var myAbTest in myAbTests)
    Debug.Log($"My Test {myAbTest.Test?.Name} variant = {myAbTest.Variant?.Name} finished = {myAbTest.Finished}");
const myAbTests = Balancy.Profiles.system.testsInfo.tests;
for (let i = 0;i< myAbTests.count;i++) {
    const myAbTest = myAbTests.get(i);
    console.log(i, ")", myAbTest.test?.name, "variant = ", myAbTest.variant?.name, " finished = ", myAbTest.finished);


Use LiveOps Callbacks to receive notifications about changes in Segmentation at runtime. Use the method below to request the status of your Segments.

var mySegments = Balancy.Profiles.System.SegmentsInfo.Segments;
foreach (var mySegment in mySegments) {
    if (mySegment.IsIn)
        Debug.Log($"My Segment {mySegment.Segment?.Name}");
const mySegments = Balancy.Profiles.system.segmentsInfo.segments;
for (let i = 0;i < mySegments.count;i++) {
    const mySegment = mySegments.get(i);
    if (mySegment.isIn)
        console.log("My Segment " + mySegment.segment?.name);